Rüdiger Fajen - Managing Partner

Managing Partner

Rudy Fajen


Rudy Fajen is one of the founders of ConsusPartner. Since 1998, he has advised clients on M&A transactions and financings with stints at Drueker & Co. (now Houlihan Lokey), POET Software (San Mateo, CA, USA) and Grant Thornton.

Since 2007, he has been involved in various start-ups and grow-ups as an active angel investor. Rudy is also a member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization network, where he oversees the EO Accelerator program for southern Germany.

He studied business administration at the universities of Passau and Tours (France) and graduated from the Technical University of Dresden with a degree in business administration.



“I love wind and board sports such as kiteboarding, wingsurfing, snowboarding and -kiting and have a lot of fun passing on experiences to young entrepreneurs through my involvement as Accelerator Chair of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (Germany SW)”